March 18, 2010

Rumah sewa

Salam. Dear friends, hanya nak bertanyakan kalau-kalau ada antara anda yang tau ada rumah berdekatan dengan PPUM untuk disewakan, would you please kindly inform me? Kalau boleh nak di university tower tapi kalau ada yang lain, mana-mana rumah yang berdekatan dengan UM pun ok. Tolong ya. May Allah reward your kindness as I'm desperately in need for a house for the next semester and I have plenty of reasons why I choose not to stay at hostel too. Dan kalau tiada rumah yang kosong untuk disewakan, mana-mana rumah yang ada vacancy dan perlukan penginap pun boleh. I'll just go and have a look first.

I thank you in advance!

IZ: Exams coming soon and yet lots of things to be completed. Doakan urusan saya dipermudahkan ya. Jzklh :)


Yunalia said...

Assalamualaikum dear,

im so interested what is ur reasons to stay outside. i wuld suggest u to ask ur buddy, as she is planning to stay at UT

Izyan Zainuddin said...

thanx kak yuliana for the concern.
yup, dah tanya kak miza dah n dia kata mmg ada rumah kosong kat ut tu.. alhamdulillah
my reasons? i'll tell u some other time, ok? hehe

SI PENGEMBARA JALANAN said... house kt jitra kosong..akak pun duk sorg..maukah??hehe..

take care ye..n all da best utk final 2nd year ni..may He bless..

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Izyan Zainuddin said...

haha jitra terus!
thx for the offer akak, akan difikirkan, hehe
yup, doakan kejayaan buddymu ini ye
n tc ur self too :)

nor aishah said...

salam...nak tanya, awak pernah sewa rumah yg berdekatan ppum ke?

Izyan Zainuddin said...

Echa.. :) pernah. Tapi tak duduk situ dah. Ada apa2 sy blh bantu?

nor aishah said...

ade x contact no or area situ nak bagi sewa untuk 2 bulan? harap2 boleh tolong..thank u.

Izyan Zainuddin said...

Oh awak nak duduk situ mula bulan berapa? Kalau ade pape news inshaAllah nanti saya bgtau

kin said...

salam... sy pn sedang mncari rumah or blik sewa kt area ppum sbb akn mnjalani praktikal kt sana... awk ade no tel tn umah tu lg x?

Izyan Zainuddin said...

Wslm.Saya takda no fon tuan rumah. Maaf. Duduk situ semuanya senior uruskan alhamdulillah. Tinggalkan ur email, klu ada apa2 info saya contact awak inshaAllah :)

Anonymous said...

slm izyan..bleh tak suggest umah/bilik kosong dekat ppum? sy dpt sambung master di um bln 9 ni dan sy blur tak tahu nk duk mana.

harap dpt membantu.
sy terbaca ur blog as i google umah sewa berdekatan ppum.
terima kasih.

Izyan Zainuddin said...

Waalaikumussalam wbt

Boleh cuba University Tower, betul2 opposite PPUM. Selain tu ada flats/kondo di Kerinchi. Ramai juga students UM stay kat situ. Harap membantu :)

About Me

25. Aim to live with the principle of to love for others what I love for my self. A dentist by profession. A Muslim by religion. A Dai'yah by action ( well at least that's what I hope I am) My writings are usually of reflections on matters happening around me.

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