Syukur alhamdulillah, 4 hingga 11 Disember yang lalu, saya dan keluarga berpeluang untuk melancong ke Korea Selatan. Pengalamannnya, memang tiada tandingan. Walaubagaimanapun, benarlah kata pepatah, hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, lebih baik di negeri sendiri.
February 26, 2010
Carelessness will make you broke
Ya, mungkin itulah ayat yang sesuai menggambarkan keadaan saya ni. Hm 'papa kedana' bunyinya macam seram je. Lets try this one. Kecuaian akan menyebabkan anda kehilangan sejumlah wang biasiswa yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk keperluan yang lain tapi terpaksa diterbangkan duit itu untuk mengganti benda yang tak sepatutnya diganti lalu menyebabkan anda berasa geram dengan diri sendiri. Uhm sounds better kot. Huwaa~.
Setiap orang pastinya dikurniakan pelbagai anugerah, pelbagai kelemahan. Dan kalau ditanya apa kelemahan yang ingin saya atasi sekarang ni, mungkin untuk menjadi seorang yang kurang cuai.
Semenjak menyertai bidang dentistry ini, saya sedar kecuaian bukanlah perkara main-main. Di waktu pre-clinical ini pun telah ditekankan betapa pentingnya seorang pelajar pergigian itu untuk menjadi begitu berhati-hati dalam setiap kerjanya. Dan saya percaya, bukan saja dentist, malah setiap apa pekerjaan pun kalau tercuai akan ada banyak masalah yang menanti.
Seorang doktor, kalau ada kecuaian dalam merawat pesakit, bersedialah menghadapi saman daripada pesakit tersebut dan keluarganya. Dan tambah menekankan emosi, mungkin si pesakit akan minta kesnya dilaporkan di muka depan akhbar perdana. Seorang arkitek atau jurutera, kalau cuai dalam mereka bentuk bangunan atau calculation yang dibuat, mungkin akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan bangunan yang dibina, disaman dan hilang kepercayaan client. Pendek kata, dalam setiap pekerjaan yang kita lakukan, jangan cuai.
Dan sehingga kini saya kira dah begitu banyak duit yang terbang kerana kecuaian saya di operative technique lab. Okay, lets do some calculations
Anggaran perbelanjaan Izyan sepanjang berada di optech lab:
Re-do cavity preparation di gigi cavo minggu ini: 2xrm 5=rm 10
Hilang wax knife (diguna utk manipulate wax utk buat gigi palsu) :1xrm 15=rm 15
Dental bur (diguna utk drill gigi), setakat ni 5 bur kot yang dah hilang/patah: 5xrm5=rm 25
Re-do resin block (tak tau nak explain macam mana):1xrm5=rm 5
Misplace tray/orang lain terambil (diguna utk letak instruments):1xrm 12=12
Le Cron carver hilang jugak : 1xrm5 (kalau x silap)=rm 5
Gates glidden bur patah: 1xrm2=rm 2
Total=RM 74 ( hanya anggaran kasar, rasanya memang lebih daripada jumlah ni)
-collection of dental burs that went missing :(-
Its not about the lost of the money that makes me really frustrated. I have to say its because of my carelessness that causes me to lose the money that makes me feel irritated. I mean, we all have our own budget.. ie how much we should spend this month, how much should we save and now I seem to have lost it because of my carelessness, which is something that I should be able to avoid.
Huu.. dengan baki sebulan lebih lagi di optech, saya tak tahu berapa lagi wang yang perlu saya 'spare'kan kalau-kalau berlaku lagi kecuaian di optech. Spending money in optech is one thing, but I heard that the money that should be spent in clinical years is a lot more. I think I should find a part-time job (if I manage to get the long break) after this. What is it eh.. a cool and fun job to do. Oh! Maybe I should go babysitting some babies! Sounds fun, sounds fun! The only problem is.. where on earth I can find babies? And which mother would send their children to an unskilled babysitter like me?
I dont know.. I think I'm going to keep searching.. I shall find the answer soon and I'll let you know if I found one. Well, only if you are interested to know. Till then!
February 18, 2010
Tahu, atau tak?
Masa cuti sememangnya masa untuk jadi lain sekejap. Dont get me wrong, Bukannya jadi lain as in jadi orang lain. Tapi lain dari segi rutin kehidupan yang biasa kita buat.
Waktu cuti, boleh keluar riadah dan jalan-jalan dengan family. Waktu cuti boleh guna untuk baca banyak buku-buku yang tak berkaitan dengan dental. Waktu cuti boleh cuba pelbagai resepi baru. There can be various reasons why people always looking forward for holidays.
Cuma.. waktu cuti juga boleh jadi waktu yang memilukan. Bila cuti, banyak peluang untuk jumpa kawan-kawan lama. Tapi bila kita jumpa mereka, mereka bukan macam dulu lagi. Benarlah, Allah hanya memberi hidayah kepada yang dikehendakiNya. Tapi, kenapa bila hidayah itu telah pernah diberi, kita tidak menghargai, malah merobeknya dan buang jauh-jauh seumpama kita tidak pernah diberi apa-apa?

Waktu cuti, banyak peluang untuk jalan-jalan. Cuma, luluhnya hati ini bila tengok orang di sekeliling ini macam tak tahu apa itu dosa, apa itu pahala. They seem too engross about this world that nothing bothers them to do something that will please Allah.
Erm I dont know how to put this into sentence because I may sound as if accusing people around me. But I'm not really accusing. I'm just curious. I really want to go near them and ask, 'Do you know, or you dont know? Because if you dont know, with this little knowledge that I have, I will be more than happy to share it with you. You know, something that was taught to me when I was in standard one, that holding hands between male and female is haram, and wearing clothes that show our aurah is haram too. Oh, and we'll be placed in Hell if we dont repent before we die. Which can be tonight, or tomorrow, or even right after we step down this escalator' Hah! Take that.
But of course, that thing just linger in my head. Oh courage, why are you hiding yourself from me?
Saya sedar, bila keluar dan lihat masyarakat sekeliling, golongan yang betul-betul mengetahui hanya sedikit. Yang auratnya dijaga baik, yang pergaulannya dibatasi.. hanya sedikit. Saya tak tahu jika perkataan 'mengetahui' itu kena pada tempatnya. Sebab saya pasti ada antara mereka yang sudah pun tahu, tapi buat-buat tak tahu yang saya pun tak tahu apa alasannya (berapa banyak tahu daa.. :p)
Tapi naluri saya kuat mengatakan lebih ramai yang tak tahu daripada yang pura-pura tak tahu. So that comes to ourselves then, on what should we do about it. Agak sesak nafas sebenarnya bila lihat terlalu ramai golongan yang perlu didakwah, perlu diberitahu. Tapi itulah tugas kita, kan? Otherwise, we are the ones who are going to be asked during the Judgement Day. Takpe2, take it as a challenge. After all, Allah takkan bebani kita dengan sesuatu yang tak mampu kita pikul. Dan kalau tak berjaya sekalipun, Allah tahu kita telah mencuba.
Ayuh barisan pendakwah, kita rangka strategi! Moga Allah bukakan pintu hidayah kepada orang-orang yang kita sayangi ini, dan permudahkan jalan kita, InshaAllah
IZ: Teringat kata-kata naqibah saya dalam usrah yang lepas-lepas. 'If you feel like there's nothing wrong about this world we live in, there's nothing wrong with the people around you, then surely, there is something wrong WITHIN YOU' Thanks for reminding us. InshaAllah I will remember that for the rest of my life :)
February 13, 2010
Recent update
Assalamualaikum. Finally.. I do manage to find a time to put something in here. After weeks of not updating, sometimes I just feel like deactivating this blog. The content is not that good ( I always feel this when I read other blog and compare it to mine :( ), the layout is boh-ring.. etc. But hmm, I just cant give up, can I? Well I'm not writing this blog just for fun. It is time-consuming I must say. You yourself must have reasons for creating your account in the 1st place. so yeah.. just keep going! And I'll search for the coolest layout afterwards.
Last week was the exam week. And right now we are in the tawakkal mode. It is weird though that there can be people who do not believe in the presence of God. I mean, where do they put their hopes on? What is their purpose of living in this world? Alhamdulillah.. thank you Allah, for giving me this biggest nikmat for letting me born in this beautiful religion. Done with the exams, so now it is up to Him to give the best for me. Of course I can hope for my results to be excellent, but Allah's plan is way better. Get it or not getting it, I believe its just for my best.
Okay, lets switch to other topic. Hmm ever experienced a feeling called 'stress' in your life? I've experienced it in some parts in my life. But hey, its normal right? I always think its normal until a few days ago that my neighbor suddenly 'burst' and causing our neighborhood to be stunt with his actions!
The story actually began when I,who was actually studying for my exam at home, n my fam heard the voice of people screaming and as if throwing stuffs to the wall, that night. So the probabilities would be:
1) There's a quarrel in the next house
2) Some people are being possed!
So, my family (tolong jangan bayangkan satu keluarga yang busybody letak telinga kat dinding untuk tau perkembangan jirannya, walaupun kami berkelakuan agak macam tu the other night *hehe*) or to be accurate my brothers went to our neighbor's house to know what was actually going out. The rest were just peeking behind the curtain. We were not being busybody, okay. We were just curious to know :p
And to our shock, it was neither the earlier hypothesis. He (my neighbor) was actually having a psychosis after constantly being stressed-out. An ambulance came, and he was hospitalised after that, but returned home the next day. I was kind of disappointed with the decision made by the hospital actually, ie to let him go. How come he can be well just after one night stay at the hospital?
And the next day, he went nuts some more and scared this neighborhood to death. Ringing our doorbell non stop, trying to get into our house, climbing over a van belonged to another neighbor, scattered all the rubbish outside the house, wore less clothes... how scary is that?
There are many rumors going on in this neighborhood regarding the underlying cause of this disorder he's suffering. I dont really believe the rumors though. But what affects me the most is that I am actually seeing a behavioral disorder, a change of behavior from normal to very2 abnormal ( you'll say this if you look at his condition in front of your eyes) if you have a problem and not able to settle it out.
And it is so sad that now he has to be warded in a psychiatric ward. The house is now always dark, telling that there's nobody in it as the family only consists of a mother and a son. When I think about it deeply, I have to say that there's a guilt I feel in my heart. Yes, we do greet our neighbors, and yes, we do give them foods whenever we have too much.. but we are not being considerate enough about things that are going on in their lives.
My neighbor and I are in the same age. Unfortunately, he does not have the chance to further his studies. His results were just so-so, so its kinda hard to place himself in local universities. Maybe if we were being more considerate about him, we could help him find a place to study.. a simple college should be okay I think, for him to have something in his life that make him occupied. He probably was so lonely too as he does not have other siblings to talk to, his mother is a bit OKU and his father already passed away. Perhaps if he has something to do in his life, the stress would be lesser.. May Allah forgive us for that.
After so much talk.. the point that I want to stress out here is that, if you are stress.. just dont keep it by yourself. Create a support group. Tell others about it. Tell Allah about it. If other people dont want to listen to you, Allah will. It is the best therapy so far, I think. Ask for His guidance and He'll show you the answer in various ways. But if you are so desperate for the solution of your problem, find a psychiatrist. Psychiatrist wont solve your problem actually, but at least they offer you multiple ways to reduce the tense in you. Relax, just dont worry about what others may think if they know you are meeting a psychiatrist; because what you want is for your mental status to be in a healthy state before you started acting peculiarly. VERY peculiar.
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